Tuesday, June 13, 2006

"We'd burn like the morning, then break like your heart "

So, I finally got up the pictures from Reez's graduation party. Those are all up on Facebook. You can go check them out if you like. Nothing spectacular, but I got a picture of most of the people who I knew that attended the party.

The party itself was quite a success. Probably over 100 people showed up over the course of about 4PM-10/11PM. Highlights of the evening included: walking around with Steve Metz taking random pictures, seeing kids that I haven't seen much of this summer, the cake (also pictured) which was /de-fishes/! and the tacos, which were also excellent. It was really good to see Steve for the first time since Christmas break. We talked a bit about the old days, and he is going to see if his boss can do anything about making my guitar sound alright again. In which case, I may attempt to pick it up again. Also: Mrs. Graff and Ms. Vail, two of my favorite English teachers ever (I once called Mrs. Graff "mom" by accident. That is how it went down.) showed up at the party! So I talked to them for a while. I hadn't seen them in at least a year, so that was awesome.

Yeah. So last night, I was chatting with Joe online, and he suggested that we hang out. So we went to "the Liquor Keep" (Smorkeys was closed :( ) and bought a couple of cigars. We then retired to my back porch and spent a couple of hours smorking in the nighttime air. Our conversation covered the usual: God, girls, guitars, philosophy, psychology and... pheromones? I swear. It was an excellent time, and just what I needed that night. It left me feeling even more at peace, though the smorking could have contributed to that. I went to bed happy and pretty buzzed, but had no trouble at all falling asleep. All in all: a fabulous hangout.

One of our topics of conversation was "disordered life-views in music", and how much we ought to listen to the music, or at least how much we ought to "glory in it", which I'm not sure I do (at least not anymore). That is a very interesting topic that perhaps I shall write about when it is less past-my-bedtime. Feel free to weigh in below, however. In preparation for the post, I have been listening to "[A->B] Life" by mewithoutYou, a very interesting case-in-point. Aaron Weiss is also probably one of/my favorite lyricist/s ever! Also on my "to-do list" is digging out those lost lyrics and posting them.
Good night, fair readers. May sweet dreams fill your nights, and peaceable times your days.

"Fall in love without warning, just to fall back apart..."

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