Wednesday, June 7, 2006

This all seems so easy (There's choices to make)...

So yeah. I realized that I keep forgetting to explain that I was only ever unemployed for the Tuesday after Memorial Day. That night, I called up Manpower (the temp agency that I am registered with) and got employment. I am working in a factory from 7AM-3:30PM every weekday. It will last until mid-July. It is repetitive, but not overly strenuous. The work environment is relaxed and not stressed.

The job gives me a lot of time to just kind of let my mind wander. As I have been musing about life and the future, I have been getting more and more excited for the future. I know that I may never make money writing poetry, but I will deal with the very /stuff/ of poetry: the human mind and experience. The whole military possibility is starting to sound more and more appealing as well. I really think that it could be a good career, or at least a good thing to do to pay for graduate school, then see the world for a few years. I have no idea if I will be married or have children by that point, but God will bring them in His good time.

Anyways, there was more that I was going to write, but it slipped my mind. I shouldn't write these so close to bedtime...

My grandmother and her friend John are here until Reez's graduation party on Sunday. That should be fun. But it means I'm sleeping in the basement. Which is actually not so bad, and will be fun once Reez joins me later in the week (we are expecting more relatives).

Oh yes! I remember what I was going to write: a response to some of the comments that I got on the last post. It would end up being long enough to merit its own post. Tonight, however, is not the night. I need to wake up in 7.5 hours for work. Another exciting week more than half over!

"These words, with no replies (Stopping we's, starting I's)"

P.S. You pray for me, and I'll pray for you.

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