Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Now I could make this obvious and you, you could deny me all in one breath...

Hey kids. Quick update. I don't have time to put this on the site yet, but I wanted to post it for my "readers". Hott off the presses, having just been finished five minutes ago. Well... three of the lines were written a couple weeks ago, but I kept putting its completion off until tonight. I just felt like finally getting it out of the way. It is submitted to you without comment, except that it is a non-rhyming 12 line poem. Two lines short of a perfect sonnet, but I decided to leave it that way rather than force it, and it contributes to the meaning in a way. It is written basically in a core of dactylic trimeter (including the title), with a few foots/syllables on the front and sometimes the end, just to round things off. Except the last line, which switches to anapests, largely because the last two lines were written as one big chunk of dactyl and just got split that way. So it still works out pretty smoothly as far as the rythym goes. Without further ado (I talk forever even on poems submitted "without comment", don't I?)

--A Phrase Too Familiar, Perhaps I Should Learn (Potentiality Pt. 5) -7/12/06

So did you my dearest, my friend of a friend,
Ever find fearing so fruitless as when
We both try to see past our noses again?

For you are uncertain, unspoiled and unready
And I am the boy who was "twice burned, thrice shy"
Who dreads disillusionment found in your eyes.

When no one's as different as, at first, they seem:
With, "How did I, how could I fall for a dream?"
Well I spent those weeks without sleeping!

A sunrise, a sunset, a tearless set-sail
When all I can say is, "Alright" and, "Okay"
And, "I guess now I know what to look for".

Feel free to leave any comments you have. I love them as ever. Also: I took a bit of a vacation today. It was a lot of fun, and I will write about it tomorrow. I have so many different topics to write about, and I feel bad doing two posts in a day, so they kind of pile up. In closing: I have a live version of today's "Song of the Day" that has quickly become one of my favorite songs ever. Original line-up of Taking Back Sunday + awesome song = **shivers**

"Just forget me, it's that simple..."

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