Monday, July 10, 2006

These could be days like Lamech, Methuselah...

So yeah. Second day home all alone. It has become increasingly impressed on me that I don't keep a very regular eating schedule when I'm alone/nothing is interferring. Not that I don't eat 3 meals a day, it just struck me at about 9:30PM that I should probably make some dinner. So I made the same thing I had last night: eggs, potatoes, onions and turkey with Swiss cheese and mustard all in a wheat-wrap. It was pretty decent, again. Certainly filling, which is about all I need. The kitchen now has two days worth of dishes in it. I will clean it tomorrow after work (crossed-fingers).

So today I officially won Survivor: TRW Factory! At the last break of the day, Larry went around and talked to three of the employees (everyone but me, Randy and Barb) and just told them that we didn't really need them anymore, so this was their last day. He never /told/ me that I won, or handed me a trophy or anything. He just /didn't/ give me that talk. Oh, and on the way out when I said goodbye, he said, "See you tomorrow, Luke." pretty pointedly, just in case I had assumed I was included in the firees. So yeah! I am employed through the rest of the summer! Today was the day of the favor of the Lord, it was the day of the vengeance of our God. (Na na na na, na na na na...)

God is so faithful that it blows my mind. He permits us to stray from His path fairly often (exactly as often as we choose to, in fact) simply to remind us that no matter /how/ many times we deny Him for something passing, He will never leave us! It is amazing, and you can see it both in the little and the big things. While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. While I deserve Hell, the loving Father gave me a sweet job for the rest of the summer, just to prove how closely He is watching over me. Not that my awareness of these truths won't fade and even be conveniantly forgotten at times so that I can "chase after the wind"... but every time I come back, it is a little more humbly. As a child, realizing my utter dependance on Divine Mercy. Pride, in a way, is the root of all sin, and few things will kill your conscience quicker. I am not someone who thinks of himself as prideful, but I praise the Lord for every opportunity that He gives me to humble myself before Him. I do not deserve the chance.

"Boys after girls, and the girls after the boys..."

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