Monday, May 29, 2006

And you won't fall in love (fall apart...)

So I got fired on Friday at the end of the day. Yeah I'm fine, thanks for asking. It was actually pretty gentle. They made it clear that it was not a personality thing, but that I just wasn't the sort of worker they were looking for. They had no complaints at all with the quality of my work, just the speed. And I'm fine with that, I guess. So here's looking for a new job. I'm going to apply to a bunch of places tomorrow. I'm sure that God has something else for me, and I have not lost hope.

Not that it wasn't a little tough this weekend, but luckily I was out of town so I could forget about it most of the time. We went up to my paternal grandparents' house for the weekend. It was a lot of fun. Reez and I made our traditional trip to "Dog Ear Used Books" and I bought a collection of Chekov's plays. We also saw X-Men III, which was decently good, and had plenty of hangout time. Reez and I camped out in a tent in their backyard, which was good times. The weekend featured many movies (including Prisoner of Azkaban, Swing Kids (a gift from Annemarie Nuzzo), three (or was it four?) episodes of Firefly, X-Men 3 and First Blood) and many comic-books read (I went to the Library before we left). Also many good times with my little cousins who were there.

Reez and I went to the Salvation Army after we got home today. They were having a half-off Memorial Day sale, so stuff was /even/ cheaper. I bought four button-up shirts and a brown suitcoat (possibly for Formal or something? I just like brown...). It was only $13 dollars, and I'm very satisfied. After that, we went to crash Vargo's party with Abbie Stauffer. When we arrived, however, we discovered that everyone was leaving to see V for Vendetta at the $1.50 Theatre. So I only got to chill for about 30 seconds with Varga Minor herself, but I'll see her later this summer for sure. Reez caved and we went with the kids to the movie. It was all good fun!

As far as how I feel right /now/? Yeah, a little sad and slightly lonely. "Photomasochism" is an issue late at night, and I have been listening to the smooth, sad sweetness of Havalina most of the evening. I am listening to "The Love Song" right now, which is one of those quiet songs that you have to listen to loudly. This weekend was very beneficial however. Some definite "personal progress" was made, and I have great hopes for the summer. God has been re-bringing up some of the same stuff as he did at the end of last semester. I will write about it tomorrow, hopefully. As long as things stay on His schedule and aren't being held up by my fears or failings, it is well with my soul.

"You won't fall, 'cause I'm your man..."

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